One Lovely Blog – September 2014


Well this is a surprise!  Weight2lose2013 nominated me for the One Lovely Blog award.  A supportive follower whose blog is always entertaining and/or refreshing for me to read, it is an honour to be nominated by him.  Thank you for your encouragement!

Here are the rules:

  1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.   Check!
  2. You must list the rules and display the award.   Check!
  3. You must add seven facts about yourself.   Check!
  4. You must nominate other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated. This award has no restrictions as to who you can nominate.   Check!
  5. You must follow the blogger who nominated you.    Check!

Here are the 7 facts that define me right now:


  1. I’m a gamer nerd – I met my husband on World of Warcraft.  We’re now married 5 years!
  2. I make jewellery out of chainmail rings. Lovely Links
  3. I also make things out of cross-stitch, such as Christmas ornaments!
  4. I have worked in offices since I was 19, most predominantly law offices.  My favourite area of law was medical malpractice.  The stuff you learn about and the stories you see are just unbelievable.
  5. We’re expecting our first child next Spring, and I’m worried about the transition from working to staying at home.  I’m sure I’m going to love it, but I’ve always had a job and been productive, and I’m worried that I’ll feel useless and lonely most of the time.
  6. I’m also a huge book nerd.  I love nothing more than to be reading a book and relaxing (which explains my weight, haha…)
  7. If money were no object and I could do anything for work, I would want to be a nurse.  In law, I don’t really get to help people.  Or a teacher?  That’s helping people too.  I could never fully retire – I want to be around others.

Here are a few of the bloggers that make my day awesome:

b marie Photography

Behind the Onesies

Fat to Fit

Laura’s Losing It

My Side of Ordinary

Cate the Okay

Exactly Erin

There are so many bloggers that pop up on my feed and just make me joyful, but I can’t keep listing forever.  Please take a second to pop over and see these blogs for yourself.  Happy (snowy!) Monday!

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6 Responses to One Lovely Blog – September 2014

  1. Popped over to look at your jewelry… love chainmail jewelry, and it looks like you do a beautiful job at it.

    • sagelit says:

      Thanks very much! I’ve not had a lot of time lately, but I just love it because I can have pieces in any colour and style that I want, and it can be a customized size and have a clasp I like.

  2. Silver Threading says:


  3. Nicole says:


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