Aaaaand do it again, and again, and again…

How many times can you fall off the cart and get back on before you realize you need to get a seatbelt and stay put??

16 months after the birth of my son, and some futile efforts to lose weight (again) in the meantime, and I’ve hit the brick wall.  The same thoughts go through my head: “Enough is enough.”  “Time to lose it, get healthy and fit, and keep it off this time.”  “Get rid of any junk habits, sugar, and wasted-calorie foods and just get on with it.”

But I’ve said it before, so many times.  All of those thoughts seemed so serious at the time, and yet I keep falling down.  Hopefully this time it will stick.  I think I just need some sort of specific determination, like when I lost weight for my wedding.


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We’re In The Same Boat…

… as every other parental unit out there, I’m sure.  We have narrowed down our favourite baby names but we just can’t choose between them!  We seem to love them all equally, so I think we need the opinions of the anonymous interwebz.  Please help.  The middle names are very likely to be Richard Joseph, unless something goes terribly sideways in 3 months.

The first name choices are:

  • Isaac
  • Liam
  • Noah
  • Simon
  • Wyatt
  • Peter

Thanks, any random passers-by who are able to assist us 🙂

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Teaching Humans to Care For Their Young…?

We went to our first prenatal class last night.  It was quite good, the educator was able to answer most questions that came up, and her cheery demeanour made us all a little more comfortable.

The only thing that popped into my head though was how sad is it that we need people like her to be teaching us to care for our young?  I know, not everyone does, and how much hubby and I will take from this course I don’t yet know.  I know more about children, their care and first aid than he does, so I’m hoping he’ll get something out of it.  It just made me realize that back in the day we valued the older women of our society enough to take our lessons from them.  Yes, some we probably shouldn’t have (eating rabbit during pregnancy will give my baby rabbit ears), but much of their knowledge and experience is what got us to this place and is what they are teaching us now.  Not the technical medical stuff, but the more touchy-feely part of it.  The public health offices are truly valuable resources (especially for those doing this on their own, or with a less than supportive partner), it just made me lament how little involvement older people now have with the process, except as a hand-holder and a comforter.

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New Year, No Problem

Hello world.  It has been a month and a half since my last confession.

Quick update – baby-boy-to-be is a-ok, going for an ultrasound tonight.  Was sick over the holidays (like everyone else, it seems) and am happy to be mostly better by now.  I wasn’t gaining as much weight in this pregnancy as they were hoping for, so I have just been enjoying the holidays with family without concern for losing weight.

So far I’ve still only gained 5.6 pounds, but I feel like I weighed so much before conceiving that my body doesn’t need any extra weight beyond the baby and that weight.  I’m more concerned that what I’m eating is good, nutritious food and trying to up my water intake.

Looking forward to getting back into reading the wonderful blogs on here, and getting back into MyFitnessPal.  I had given MFP up awhile back as I wasn’t tracking anyway, but my friend is an active member and wants to be buds so I logged back in.  In 4 months I’ll need it anyway, so might as well get back into the swing of things.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone.  Hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends.

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Holy wow! It’s almost November!!

Guys!  Guysguysguys!!  It’s almost November.  I woke up this morning, finally feeling caught up and back to normal after the psychosis that was our Gala at work, and realized it’s almost Halloween and almost November.  Good lawd.

I haven’t even had time to log in and read anything, let alone write my own updates.  It has been nuts.  Our Gala was fantastic, it was a crazy night but it went off fabulously.  Too long in the speeches, I have to say, but that’s government for you.  Our guest speakers were awesome, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Justice Rothstein, is the funniest guy I’ve seen.  Pulls off deadpan until the punchline really well.

I hope you are all doing well.  Baby bub and I are headed into week 15, and I’ve finally gained a pound!  WOO!  I really was starting to worry for a little while with the continual losing.  The queasiness has finally disappeared, and now I’m just HUNGRY all the time.  My goal for the coming month is to increase my water intake.  During the first trimester water made me feel ill, so I fell really far down with how much I was drinking.  Now I feel better, so I have to get back up to where I was before conceiving (at least a litre a day, or more if I can get it down).  I noticed the other day that I was literally down to 1/2 cup a day, and that’s terrible for both of us I’m sure.

Have fun getting ready for Halloween and all the awesome costumes that arrive each year.

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Ever Thankful

… and with that, Thanksgiving is over.

  • Everyone in our world now knows about the pregnancy.
  • Our house was full of people eating food and laughing, and it was the most amazing feeling.  Makes me want 8 kids and many grandkids when I get old.

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.  For those in the US, are you a fan of Columbus Day?  We have been hearing some unrest about it on our news, so I’m wondering how many people are actually unhappy with the day, or if it’s just the media hype as usual?

I came in to a lot of emails and much ado at work – we have 1 week until our big gala, and every turd in town is hitting the fan.  Hopefully we’ll make it through it without a whole lot of mishap.

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The Liebster Award!

While I was off playing in Vegas, The Archibald Files (Mother of Dragons) nominated me for the Liebster Award.  This award is for new bloggers with less than 200 followers. It is a way to have your blog thrown out into the giant universe that is the world wide web.  Thank you, Mother of Dragons, for the nomination!

My blog started as a weight loss and health progress update report, mostly to keep myself accountable.  Along the way I collected some awesome supporters who helped keep me on track and enthusiastic.  Then, BAM!  Preggers.  FINALLY.  So the blog has morphed a bit to contain a little of everything going on in my corner of Alberta.

Here are the Official Rules for accepting the Liebster Award:

  1. Answer the questions given and then come up with 10 new ones to ask your nominations.
  2. Nominate 8 other blogs, let them know you have nominated them and put a link to their blog in your post.
  3. Link the Liebster Award photo in your blog post.
  4. No Tag backs.
  5. Nominations must have under 200 followers.
  6. You must tell all the blogs that you have nominated them.

Here are my answers to the questions I was asked.

What would you do with one extra hour in your day?

Exercise.  Since becoming pregnant, I’m exhausted and I haven’t been making time to exercise.  I’ve been focusing on getting sleep and eating well, which is OK, but isn’t enough when you’re still as overweight as I am.

What does your ideal home look like?

I totally misread this question.  I live in my ideal home, now!  The only thing missing is a pool, and that’s because I live in a place where summer is spotty at best, and non-existent at worst.  Actually, having a pool table would be fab too.  I don’t think we’ll ever get that chance though!

Who is your favourite Simpson’s character and why?

I wasn’t allowed to watch Simpsons when I was a kid/teen, so I don’t know them all really well, but as an adult when I caught some of the reruns I liked Ralph Wiggum.  Happily stupid and definitely misunderstood.

What is your go-to outfit when you just can’t be bothered?

Stretch pants!  I can clean in them, sleep in them, bike in them, shop in them, and if I had my way, I’d do everything in them.  They’re just so soft on the legs (I have dry skin) compared to any other form of pant.

Where and with who was your first-kiss?

We were in my friend’s pool playing Truth or Dare, at about 9 years old.  It’s weird to think that he has now passed away.  He was killed in a vehicle rollover at about 23, and it was a very sad time for our classmates.  Odd, how life turns out when you’re not looking.

If you could meet one celebrity who would it be and why?

You know, I’ve never been a huge fan of the Hollywood crowd and their lack of achievements when it comes to the real world, so my “heroes” as they are would be more real people.  There are so many that I would love to meet, and in fact, I may just get the chance soon!  We have an event at work coming up where Antonin Scalia, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is coming to be our guest speaker.  I can’t wait to hear him speak, and maybe we’ll even get to make his acquaintance!!

Do you prefer boobies or bum?

Both?  They symbolize different things, so I can’t pick one over the other 😛

What is your favourite recipe to cook?

I love LOVE making a delicious dessert that just looks beautiful.  I never mastered the art of making dinner look beautiful, so baking it is.

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why?

Dogs.  Cats are smug and bipolar.  They attack you for no reason.  Slightly psycho, all of them.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Scarlet.  I had a bunny named Scarlet O’Hare when I was a kid, and I’ve always loved that character.

The next set of questions I would like my nominees to answer are as follows:

  1.  What is one of your favourite quotes?
  2.  If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
  3.  What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
  4.  What is something you learned in the last week?
  5.  Sugar or salt? Explain.
  6.  What chore do you absolutely hate doing, and why?
  7.  If you could throw any kind of theme party, what would it be for?
  8.  What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received?
  9.  If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
  10.  As we’re on a blog site – Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.

I would like to nominate the following people:

You have each helped me get on my way, and I love seeing updates from you. ENJOY!!!  I look forward to reading your answers!

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Feeling Better and Enjoying Autumn

The leaves here are finally starting to turn, and today is the last “warm” day before we hit constant lower temps for Autumn.  The sunrise is coming just as I’m walking into work, and it’s just beautiful with the coloured leaves.  Autumn is definitely my favourite season.

I’ve had a cold the last few days, and it has been difficult dealing with it without being able to take cold meds.  Not great sleep and constantly blowing my nose, and I just hate it.  I’m a really terrible sick person!  Today I am beginning to feel better – I’ve only taken my daily Reactine for allergies, and although I feel congested, I feel like my symptoms are improving.  Thank goodness.

Today is my Mum’s birthday, and we’re telling her our big news via a “Happy Birthday Grandma” birthday card 🙂  She’s going to be so thrilled, I can’t wait.  She’s been waiting FOREVER for us to have children.

Happy almost-end-of-the-week!

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September = crazy

I’m back 🙂  Here’s the update:

Lil bub is now 9 weeks 5 days, and we were able to get an ultrasound picture!  We’re telling the mums in the next week, so by this time next week I won’t have to be quite so careful anymore.  Everyone else will know at Thanksgiving.

Trip home was fabulous, my little nephew is just the CUTEST little guy.  I hope our lil bub ends up as smart as that kid, and as adventurous.  He’s so brave (probably too far, lol) and loves cuddles.  It was awesome to see my extended “family” and friends, even just for a couple of days.  This week is crazy work and cleaning, mum’s birthday, and then packing for another trip on the weekend!  Ermagherd.

I’m really looking forward to Thanksgiving.  Every year I’m grateful for all the things that have gone on, but this year in particular I’m extra grateful 🙂

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